For quick and accurate results.
Warehouse stock-takes
The first step in creating a merchandise management standard, that covers warehouse stocks in general as well, is for one or more skilled employees from your business to physically count the merchandise (i.e to perform a stock-take).
For example, the first physical count of merchandise or products must be carried out upon their arrival at the warehouse or store (delivery). A second count may take place in the middle of the year, for example during June or July (change of season - early summer months before the business temporarily shuts down for the year or before holidays). The main stock-take is the one which in effect 'closes' the year and provides useful information both in accounting and statistical terms (relating to sales - stocks).
Physical counts, whether total or partial, need to be done at least two to three times a year. This helps the business obtain a realistic picture of its merchandise allowing it to manage its stocks accordingly in tandem with the other departments within the company such as Accounting or Sales.

In 3 simple steps
We understand your business’ needs by thoroughly monitoring the procedures it follows.
We schedule the stock-takes in arrangement with you, the client.
The existing software is configured based on your needs to generate the reports you need.