Reduced expenses and improved returns.
Fixed asset stock-takes
As businesses grow, monitoring their fixed assets is not usually a top priority or key skill. However, inappropriate accounting of assets (keeping an incorrect assets register) can lead to surtaxes being imposed, and to reduced depreciation and increased capital expenditure.
Certain common events may mean you need to perform fixed asset stock-takes. These include:
Certain common events may mean you need to perform fixed asset stock-takes. These include:
Inveplus helps businesses identify, record, tag and identify their assets, even if they are in multiple locations. In this way the company keeps a fully updated Fixed Asset Register and correctly applies the rate of depreciation.

In 3 simple steps
We understand your business’ needs by thoroughly monitoring the procedures it follows.
We schedule the stock-takes in arrangement with you, the client.
The existing software is configured based on your needs to generate the reports you need.